Don’t Waste Your Greatness
“Don’t Waste Your Greatness”. Hmmm, what does that mean? Have you ever noticed that everything that has ever been created by God is unique? No two things found in “mother nature” are exactly alike. This is in direct contrast to the things that are created by man which tend to be exact duplicates of something else. There has never been anything created by God that is an exact replica of the original. Even identical twins are not exactly alike. They may look alike, but anyone that has raised twins will attest that they may be very similar in many ways, but they also have many, many differences.
The individuality or uniqueness that God attributes to His creations stems from the fact that everything that
God has created has a distinct purpose. God equips all of His creations with special abilities that will enable that particular
creation to accomplish whatever God has planned for it to accomplish. This is most evident with His greatest creation,